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Model United Nations (MUN)

At Chaing Rai International School we are blessed with many options for our students to achieve or participate in events they may never get a chance in at a larger school. One of the groups we have is the Model United Nations. We are a member of the Chiang Mai International Schools cluster who twice a year participate and compete for the title of CMMUN champions.

Model United Nations (MUN) is collaborative learning and independent learning in their purist forms. It is a student led activity that extends the curriculum for history, geography, economics, the sciences, and the arts. MUN enhances research skills, formal writing and public speaking. It also builds students' confidence and skill by collaborating with peers engaging in debate. It is the perfect vehicle for the International School Learner Profile. MUN simulates the real United Nations in dealing with real global issues; e.g. climate change, child soldiers, international debt, civil war in Syria, the Ukraine, disease outbreaks, human trafficking, etc.

What is a "Model United Nations" conference?

A “Model United Nations” (MUN) conference convenes pre-university and college students to negotiate and formulate solutions to global problems. These issues pertain to current affairs and international relations, and necessitate discussion, debate, and resolution on a multilateral platform. While students may simulate various UN member states, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), or non-state actors in bringing their individual agendas to the table, they ultimately have to integrate these individual interests in a resolution agreeable to the majority.

If you can achieve the following below - You will enjoy Chiang Rai International School Model United Nations Team. – We are a TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More.

Can you do this?

  1. Take a wide view of the world.

  2. Think critically to solve problems and meet challenges.

  3. Be open-minded

  4. Act ethically.

Join Us – You will not be disappointed. You will develop excellent skills and find satisfaction in being a Chiang Rai International School global citizen who can deliver the message and express it well.


Chiang Rai

International School

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© 2020 by Chiang Rai International. 

Tel: +66 (0) 53 600-900


496 Moo 5, Rimkok Sub-District, Muang District, Chiang Rai 57100

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